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第11回研究会(2024.8.3. 13:00-15:00)



報告タイトル:The Effects of Tax Rate Hikes in Tax Havens on High-Tax Countries

要旨:This paper aims to theoretically explore the effect of tax rate hikes in tax havens on the profit shifting of firms and tax competition among governments in high-tax countries. It uses an analytically tractable model to examine the effects of tax rate hikes in tax havens on high-tax countries in which firms shift a portion of profits to tax havens. The results reveal that tax rate hikes in tax havens decrease the profit shifting of high-tax countries. Moreover, when tax havens raise the tax rates, the marginal effective tax rates in high-tax countries decrease, which aggravates tax competition among high-tax countries. These results cast doubt on the optimistic view that efforts to urge tax havens to raise their tax rates, such as the introduction of a global minimum tax, will end both profit shifting and tax competition.



報告タイトル:Fiscal Politics and the American Business Community: Its Influence and Limitations from Reagan to Clinton

要旨:To what extent does the American business community influence fiscal politics in the United States? While recent studies emphasize its strong influence over economic policymaking in general, other research highlights its divisiveness along company size and sectoral lines, potentially weakening its impact. These seemingly contradictory findings can be reconciled. Although business wields significantly more influence than the average individual citizen, this does not equate to ultimate control over political decisions. By tracing the history of fiscal politics from the Reagan to Clinton administrations, this study reveals three key insights. First, business associations are sometimes influenced by politicians rather than the reverse. Second, politicians strategically create counterforces within the business community to challenge established business associations. Third, the business community’s overall influence is contingent upon numerous external factors. This analysis offers a more nuanced understanding of the complex interplay between business interests and fiscal politics in the United States.

第10回研究会(2024.5.11. 10:00-11:00)


 ※ ご報告は、廣光会員の同タイトルの御著書の内容に基づきます(第66回日経・経済図書文化賞受賞作)。

  第1章 序論
  第2章 世代間倫理における責務と互恵性
  第3章 公共的互恵性に基づく世代間協力の展開:カントの定言命法を通じた世代間協力
  第4章 複数世代に関わる政策決定において考慮すべき事項の考察:財政に関する経済実験を通じた検討
  第5章 現在と未来の出来事を等しく処遇することの意義:時間割引について
  第6章 結論

第9回研究会(2024.3.23. 10:30-15:30)


報告者:角 祥平・鹿児島大学大学院人文社会科学研究科博士前期課程2年











指導教員:小川 光・東京大学

報告タイトル:Tax Competition with Multinational Online Monopoly

要旨:Spatial tax competition for cross-border consumption leads to excessively low tax rates. Would the advent of services transacted exclusively online intensify or ease tax competition? This paper demonstrates that the implementation of destination-based taxation for monopoly supplying online services not only alleviates tax competition but may also lead to tax rates that surpass cooperative levels. The principal factor contributing to the excessive taxation is the network externalities unique to online services. Elevated taxes induce the online monopoly to raise prices, thereby diminishing consumer utilization of online services. This reduction in usage, in turn, results in a negative externality by decreasing the number of online service users and, consequently, tax revenues in other countries.



指導教員:中村 保・神戸大学




報告者:鈴木 伸・京都大学経済学研究科博士後期課程2年

指導教員:諸富 徹・京都大学





指導教員:酒井 正・法政大学









報告者:安永 雅・慶應義塾大学大学院経済学研究科博士課程3年




第8回研究会(2023.6.24. 13:15-16:00)




【報告2】On Strategic Behavior in the Provision Policies in Nursery Facilities: Resource-Flow or Yardstick?


【要旨】The empirical analysis of the strategic behavior of local governments in welfare policy is one of the essential areas in local public finance. In this area, multiple theories have been proposed for the strategic behavior of local governments, and while these theories lead to similar strategic actions, their policy implications differ. This paper formulated the strategic behavior of urban municipalities in Japan in the provisioning development policy of nursery facilities according to two theories of strategic behavior in urban municipalities in Japan. We then examined the relationship between the policy variables and the components of two models of strategic behavior (resource-flow fiscal competition and yardstick competition) to identify which model explains the situation more accurately. For the resource-flow fiscal competition, two types of auxiliary estimations were conducted to test the following questions: (1) whether the migration behavior of beneficiaries is affected by the level of provision of nursery facilities in the municipality and neighboring municipalities, and (2) whether the level of provision is affected by the number of beneficiaries. For yardstick competition, auxiliary estimations were conducted to test the effect of relevant press coverage in each prefecture, which is a proxy for beneficiary information, on the spatial autocorrelation of the level of provision. The results show that resource-flow competition was not initially present but grew in some reference forms in the late 2010s. In contrast, the impact of yardstick competition was observed more broadly from the mid-2010s. Thus, we found that the level of provision of nursery facilities improved significantly in 2010 mainly because of relative valuation for the polity and partly because of enhanced mobility of service beneficiaries.

第7回研究会(2023.3.25. 10:15-16:00)


報告者:陸震坤 関西学院大学総合政策研究科(D1)

報告タイトル:Impact of fiscal policies on the labor market with search friction: An estimated DSGE model for Japan

要旨:The rise in unemployment and fiscal deficit caused by the Pandemic has sparked a debate around the efficiency of fiscal stimulus on unemployment. Can fiscal stimulus improve unemployment? If so, which instrument is better, tax cuts or spending expansions? These questions are still ambiguous and with great concern for policy-makers. This paper analyzes the effects of fiscal stimulus on employment and other macroeconomic variables in Japan, combining a medium-scale DSGE model with labor market searching friction. The parameters in our model are obtained by Bayesian estimation of quarterly macroeconomic data from 1985Q1 to 2019Q1. Based on the estimated parameters, we simulate the macro dynamic effects of government spending expansion (government consumption, public investment & government employment) and tax cuts (labor income tax & consumption tax cuts). The main findings are as follows. (1) All fiscal stimulus instruments have unemployment improvement effects, but government employment crowds out private employment in the long run. (2) The cumulative unemployment multiplier of the consumption tax cut is 0.38, and the output multiplier is 1.02, which is significantly higher than the other instruments. (3) All instruments have some consumption-promoting effects, but effects of government consumption and government employment are limited to the short run and reduce consumption in the medium run. (4) Through the historical variance decomposition, we find that the variation of employment rate is mainly influenced by matching efficiency and monetary policy shocks. On the other hand, among the fiscal stimulus instruments, shocks on government consumption, public investment, and consumption taxes have strong explanatory power for fluctuations in the employment rate. (5) Our estimation results are robust, whether including data during the zero-interest rate period.


報告者:Tang Yin 慶應義塾大学大学院経済学研究科(D1)

報告タイトル:Efficiency of Health Care System in Prefectures of Japan in the Context of COVID-19: An Analysis of the Moderating Role of Vaccination

要旨:In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, few studies have addressed socioeconomic inequalities in healthcare system efficiency (HSE) in Japanese prefectures. This study aims to examine the moderating effect of vaccination on the relationship between HSE and socioeconomic factors. HSE is evaluated through the data envelopment analysis method, based on data from Japanese prefectures during waves 1 to 7 of the pandemic. The study’s findings indicate that vaccination has significantly reduced HSE disparities among regions, weakened the impact of demographic characteristics and regional regime capacity on HSE, and strengthened the contribution of the severe rate to HSE. Moreover, there is no evidence to suggest that vaccination has moderated the effect of healthcare system stress on HSE. These results suggest that vaccination plays a role in reducing socioeconomic inequalities in HSE. However, the findings also suggest that, in the post-pandemic era, where vaccinations are available, the focus of improving HSE in the fight against COVID-19 should be on controlling the increase of severe patients.


報告者:福井将来 関西学院大学総合政策研究科(M2)


報告要旨:日本の公的債務残高は深刻な水準であり、今後も財政悪化が続くと予想される。財政悪化による財政不安の高まりは、財政危機のリスクを高めるだけでなく、民間需要を抑制する可能性がある。財政不安と民間需要の関係は、予備的貯蓄や非ケインズ効果の先行研究により説明し得るが、これらの先行研究では財政不安自体の増減が民間需要に与える影響について定量的な分析がなされていない。そこで、本研究では、新聞記事のテキストデータから作成した財政不安指数を含むSVECモデルにより財政不安ショックに対するインパルス応答分析を行った。 分析の結果は以下のとおりである。(1)財政不安指数の高まりは実質消費と実質GDPを抑制し、その効果は長期的であることが確認された。また(2)財政不安指数の高まりにより、プライマリー歳出は増加し、プライマリー歳入は減少しており、これらの結果は民間需要の抑制に対応した拡張的な財政政策と解釈できる。(3)財政不安指数はショックの後も高止まりしており、これは拡張的な財政政策により財政状況が悪化したことに対する反応と考えられる。注目すべきは、財政変数が拡張的な反応を示しているにも関わらず、民間需要の落ち込みが回復しないという点である。このことから、財政不安の高まりは一時的に民間需要を抑制するだけでなく、拡張的な財政政策を通しても民間需要を抑制するという悪循環を引き起こすといえる。


報告者:島本高志 東京大学大学院経済学研究科(M2)


要旨:日本の年金制度では、国民年金保険料の支払いは個人の責務になっており、ゆえに第一号被保険者に未納者が存在することが政策的な問題とされてきた。国民年金保険料の未納は、老齢期における老齢年金受給額の低下や、あるいは年金そのものを受給できない事態を招く。結果として未納は高齢世代の貧困を生み、最終的には生活保護の増加という形で日本の財政を圧迫すると考えられることから、財政の持続可能性に関する問題も含んでいる。本研究では、平成24年度改正年金機能強化法に基づいて2017年8月に行われた、国民年金の受給資格を得るために必要な保険料の納付期間の25年から10年への短縮が、第一号被保険者による国民年金保険料の納付行動へ何らかの影響を与えていないか検証する。具体的には,慶応義塾大学経済研究所パネルデータ設計・解析センターが実施している「日本家計パネル調査(JHPS)」および「慶応家計パネル調査(KHPS)」の個票データ12年分を用いて、Linear probability modelに対してTwo way fixed effect modelを用いた推計を行い、その影響を検証する。


報告者:野津成希 大阪大学国際公共政策研究科(M2)

報告タイトル:Do inter-municipal cooperation cloud systems affect tax administrative costs? Evidence from Japanese municipalities

報告要旨: This paper examines the effect of switching from an on-premise server to an InterMunicipal Cooperation Cloud(IMC cloud) on tax administrative costs using variations of the introduction of cloud computing systems in Japan. We find that the IMC cloud decreases tax administrative costs by about 4 percent after its adoption. In several additional analyses, the cost savings of the IMC cloud is not the result of tax administration efficiency, but rather the impact of dispersing system updating costs across municipalities. This paper adds a new perspective to the study of municipal collaboration and suggests implications for the impact of business standardization, workflow revision, and information sharing among municipalities that have not been empirically clarified.

第6回研究会(2022.12.17. 13:30-17:00)

報告者:熊谷成将 (西南学院大学)


要旨:〔同報告はシニア会員による話題提供です〕 本報告では厚生労働省「中高年者縦断調査」を紹介するとともに、同調査の個票データを利用した以下の作業を通じて、日本の中高年者の健康・要介護状態と介護費用について概観する。第一に、既存の研究と関連づけて、健康寿命 (日常生活に制限のない期間) の延伸と介護費用の関係を探求する際、厚生労働省「中高年者縦断調査」を用いて分析できることを要約する。第二に、個票データの利用申請に係る留意点 (申請書一式の提出から承諾通知まで2-3カ月を要すること等) を説明する。第三に、第1号被保険者の健康状態と介護需要に関する基本的な記述統計を提供するとともに、脱落バイアスが大きい縦断データを用いて健康寿命の延伸と介護費用の増加を議論する際の課題を検討する。

第5回研究会(2022.11.26. 13:30-17:00)







報告タイトル:Debt Issuance Incentives and Creative Accounting: Evidence from Municipal Mergers in Japan

要旨:Creative accounting has been a considerable problem in the field of governance and has caused serious economic issues. However, how governments determine the scale of creative accounting is unknown in the existing literature. We study whether a difference in the usage and the scale of creative accounting is determined by the intensity of the incentive to issue of excessive debt. To study this, we focus on municipal mergers, which create a well-known setting wherein smaller merging municipalities have a stronger incentive to enjoy freeriding and issue debt since the debt burden will be shared and mainly owed by larger merging municipalities. This setting enables us to use the relative population size as a continuous treatment that represents the strength of debt issuance incentives, whereas existing papers focused on binary treatments. Utilizing the data of Japanese municipal mergers, we find that governments with small relative populations, which have a strong debt issuance incentive, employed creative accounting more intensively than others. Moreover, our result indicates that small merging municipalities utilized debt financing and the money transfer from special accounts to increase their expenditure before the mergers without deteriorating their deficit, which implies that the increment of debt by municipal mergers was twice as much as the previous papers.

第4回研究会(2022.09.24. 13:30-15:30)


講師:財務省主計局法規課総括補佐 長畑匡紀氏


第3回研究会(2022.07.16. 13:30-17:00)



報告タイトル:政策金融に期待される役割と現状に関する一試論 -ドイツを事例として-






第2回研究会(2022.06.25. 13:30-17:00)









第1回研究会(2022.05.21. 13:30-17:00)







